Moon & Sun


When I saw this shirt in a magazine it was worn underneath a yellow sweatshirt but since I don’t have a yellow sweatshirt, I thought I’d pair it with my Ilse Jacobsen gold jacket instead. So it doesn’t create quite the same preppy look, but it creates my look, and it got me to put this jacket back on. This was one of those bargain designer finds last year, where I just had to buy it because it was reduced, even if it’s not the most practical of pieces. It came in pretty handy for this photo shoot, though and I think it could be a winner for summer.NCFmoonshirt-1 NCFmoonshirt-2 NCFmoonshirt-6 NCFmoonshirt-7 NCFmoonshirt-8 NCFmoonshirt-10 NCFmoonshirt-4

What do you think of my look? Is this jacket a winner, and what would you pair it with? xx Sophie

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Wearing: Ilse Jacobsen jacket (old), Louche shirt (here), Topshop jeans (vintage) & shoes (old), Accessorize choker (similar here)

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