Bedroom Interior | All White Everything


After sharing with you my interior Pinterest board, I thought it was only right that I show you the finished product in reality. Some may roll their eyes and think, “ugh typical blogger bedroom”, but I’m loving the all white everything and let me tell you, it works wonders for my flatlays, beauty photos, and selfies. Check out my Insta and you’ll see (@notcentralfash). In fact, I’m just about to go and shoot some March beauty favourites photos and I’m so pleased not to have to lug my giant photography light around my house just to find the perfect backdrop. NCFwhiteroom-4 NCFwhiteroom-2

Since I’m always changing my mind about what I like (yes, I get like that with everything, not just clothes) the white walls and furniture give me the perfect blank canvas to switch and change the accessories as and when I feel like it. At the moment, a faux fur flapper throw over my chair is where it’s at, but who knows what I’ll be into next month.NCFwhiteroom-3 NCFwhiteroom-8 NCFwhiteroom-5 NCFwhiteroom-7 NCFwhiteroom-10 NCFwhiteroom-9 NCFwhiteroom-6 NCFwhiteroom-11Let me know what you think of my new bedroom interior, and leave me links if you’ve got any interior blog posts or pins – I’d love to check them out! xx Sophie

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