Back With The Dungarees


So I might have been procrastinating a wee little bit these past couple of days and haven’t managed to get a post out to you until now. Sorry about that. I’ve got the interior design bug at the moment, you know the one you get from endless scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram? Why do people have to have such nice living spaces? Anyway, I’ve been planning out my own insta-worthy interiors, and so completely forgot that I should be writing this blog post. Nevertheless I’m here now and I’m back with my Topshop dungarees, the best £50 I promised myself I wouldn’t spend that day. Why can I never resist when I’m in the moment and things just look so good? Whenever I go out and buy something new that I probably – no definitely – don’t need I always remind myself that it’s for the good of the blog. So thank you if you’re reading this, because you are always my excuse for purchasing that other new pair of shoes I really don’t need.NCFpurpledungarees-1 NCFpurpledungarees-3 NCFpurpledungarees-9 NCFpurpledungarees-4 NCFpurpledungarees-2 NCFpurpledungarees-10 NCFpurpledungarees-5 NCFpurpledungarees-8 NCFpurpledungarees-7

Thanks for stopping by : ) xx Sophie

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Topshop dungarees (similar here), Boohoo top (thrifted), H&M jacket (similar here), boots c/o Online Avenue* (here), watch c/o Everwrist* (here on sale!)

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