Flatlay | Stay Home Club

NCFstayhomeflatlay-1So basically I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to do an outfit change and go out into the cold to shoot more photos yesterday, so I made my chosen outfit into a flatly instead! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m telling myself that it adds a bit of variety to the blog if I bring you outfits in different forms…anyway you never know, this may turn into a proper outfit post if you’re lucky! I’m thinking add a pair of dungarees, throw on my hat and I’ll be good to go. In the meantime, I’ll let you visualise how you think this outfit should look. If you’ve got any suggestions, please leave a comment and I’ll definitely give it a whirl! I’d be interested to hear your ideas
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Let me know what you think! xx Sophie

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Bershka sweatshirt (here on sale!), Primark hat, Firetrap scarf & purse (both sold out)

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