Forever 21 Suede Jacket

NCFsuedejacket-4 NCFsuedejacket-1 When it was Christmas and then my birthday a couple of weeks later, I thought to myself that I really wouldn’t need to buy myself anything else. Then I found myself on the Forever 21 website, and that was the end of that. How could I not purchase this genuine suede jacket when it’s just so cool? Plus, it was reduced to like £25 and it felt wrong to leave it there. You know when you see something and you just can’t walk away from it. Unfortunately, I get that feeling with most things I see when I go shopping and it’s probably not good for me but when the emails are constantly dropping into my inbox and the shops are calling my name, it’s impossible not to make some sort of purchase. Anyway, I think you can forgive me this time considering that I’ve got myself a real suede jacket which will be so perfect when the weather warms up a bit (not sure if you can tell, but I was absolutely freezing when we shot these photos!) I’m loving the boxy shape and the colour means it’s going to go with everything, and to be honest I’m desperate for spring because I haven’t managed to get any wear out of this yet! Maybe I should just work on my layering skills, I’ve got jumpers galore and a beautiful Firetrap scarf which might just make a cute lil’ outfit on my next day off!NCFsuedejacket-8 NCFsuedejacket-2 NCFsuedejacket-3 NCFsuedejacket-7 NCFsuedejacket-5 NCFsuedejacket-6

What do you think of my new jacket? xx Sophie

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Forever 21 jacket (here on sale!), American Eagle t shirt (sold out), H&M jeans (similar here), Primark boots, watch c/o Everwrist* (here)

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