Probably The Best Charity Shop Find EVER


What’s the best thing I’ve ever found in a charity shop? Well, there have been a few pretty good pieces, but never before have I come across an authentic Yves Saint Laurent jumper. Until now. My eyes hunted out the label and I wasn’t really sure what I was going to pull out off the rail, but it couldn’t really have been any better than this! Something gorgeous, something chic, something wearable. Because that is the most important part. It’s not good finding an amazing designer piece when really, it’s not anything you’d usually even consider wearing because it’s too out there, or it’s too vintage and retro and just not really your thing. This is exactly the sort of thing I’d wear and I’m so glad I took the time to scour the clothing rails on this particular day.NCFysljumper-10 NCFysljumper-12 YSLjumper-2

I styled the jumper with a loose white shirt sticking out, a pair of casual suedette boots, and a big ol’ floppy hat. Doesn’t everything always look better with wide brimmed hat? I think so. I actually went out and picked up another hat, this time a black one, but with less of a floppy brim. It was only about £4, so it would have been wrong not to really. I’ll style an outfit with it v soon!NCFysljumper-6 NCFysljumper-3 NCFysljumper-11 NCFysljumper-8 NCFysljumper-9 NCFysljumper-4 NCFysljumper-7 NCFysljumper-1

Can you believe I’ve got myself a YSL jumper and only paid 2 or 3 pounds!? xx Sophie

YSL jumper (thrifted), H&M shirt (here), Primark jeans & boots, H&M hat (here), M&S bag (sold out), watch c/o Everwrist* (here)

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