Birthday Fashion | Part 2

NCFbirthdayfashion-4 So I’m pleased to say that this is basically a Hollister haul, with a couple of other bits thrown in, thanks to my sister. Yesterday, you saw my Birthday beauty treats and since I haven’t done as many fashion posts lately, I wanted to create a little fashion-y sneak peek of the clothing goodies I got! Of course one of the main things I’m loving about Hollister at the moment is the smell of the clothes in there, but I’m also glad that they’ve toned down on the branding and have made some really nice pieces which don’t scream Hollister. They make jeans in small sizes for those of us who can’t find ones that fit elsewhere, and I’ve been eyeing up this tasselled knit for quite some time now!NCFbirthdayfashion-1 I’ve also added in my new compact Tangle Teezer which fits into my bag easily and can go everywhere with me, and the blogger shoes of the moment: the lace-up flats. You can get these in just about any high street shop, but these lovely Primark ones look oh so expensive and chic!NCFbirthdayfashion-5 NCFbirthdayfashion-3 NCFbirthdayfashion-2

You’ll get to see all of these bits and pieces in action very soon -or as soon as I can get a day off to fill with outfit shoots! See you soon, xx Sophie

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