Christmas Beauty Haul (Sorry It’s Late!)


So I know this is a wee bit late since christmas has already been and gone and now so has new year, but this is my christmas present beauty haul! I received a fair few beauty bits and bobs, and this isn’t a review of any of the products (yet!) but I wanted to show you what I got. Some of my favourites out of this lot are the Real Techniques make up brushes. I’ve wanted some new, grown-up brushes for a while and these are even rose gold! What could be better? Of course, I also received some new nail polishes -when do I not wear it?- and a great big eye shadow palette courtesy of No 7 (did you see my No 7 beauty calendar post too?). This is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t wait to try all of the different shades. I’m a fashion girl at heart, but I really want to be better at the beauty side of things too, so I’ve even started watching a few make up videos on youtube and reading a few more beauty blog posts (loving inthefrow at the moment!) to try and get clued up! One day, I will be a beauty master -hopefully.

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Did you get any gorgeous beauty gifts for christmas? Let me know in the comments! xx Sophie

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Real Techniques make up brushes (here and here), No 7 eyeshadow palette (Unavailable now :(), Barry M eyeshadow palette (Limited Edition, now unavailable), Anthropologie Lip Tinties (here), Barry M nail polishes (here), Ciate nail polish (here), Percy & Reed dry shampoo (here) and hairspray (here)

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