How To: Festive Flatlays


I’m a big fan of the flatlays when it comes to creating content for Instagram, and today was the perfect opportunity to create loads as we were decorating for christmas! I wanted to share the images I took with you on the blog as well as Instagram, and thought I’d make this into a sort of  “how to” post.

My three essentials when it comes to flatlays are great lighting, a plain, light coloured background, and lots of cute accessories for the subject. Obviously the theme today was christmas, so I’ve used sprigs of christmas tree, baubles and decorations, and festive inspired foods (and I chucked a selfie in there too!) It doesn’t really matter what items you choose as your subject though, just go with whatever you want to share, and what looks good! For lighting, I do have a photography lamp which creates white, natural looking light no matter what time of day it is and whether you’re near a window or not, but today I just positioned myself near some french doors and used natural light. I think natural lighting is the best because it looks more realistic and a few shadows here and there can be good, although I am so glad I’ve got my photography lights because it means I’m not limited to when and where I shoot my indoor photos! The backdrop is also really important and I always stick to a white board for my instagrams. The other day I found some white crepe paper in The Range and thought it would make a nice alternative and add a bit of texture. A lot of bloggers use a marble background and I’ve seen a few people using white-washed wood, but if you’re on a budget and want something a little easier to get your hands on, then try something a bit different like crepe paper!

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Are you getting in the festive spirit yet? xx Sophie

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