Lush Christmas Bath Haul


Most people have a preference between baths or showers and mine has always been baths. What’s not to love about baths, especially when you’ve got a bag full of Lush products? When I went into Norwich a couple of weeks ago, I stocked up on bath bombs and for the first time, tried a couple of their bubble bars (little did I realise the “peeping santa” product was also a bubble bar and not a bath bomb, despite its appearance!). I went for all the christmassy items because when better to try out all of the festive scents than throughout the month of December? I spent £30 in total and got 7 products, which I was quite pleased with, although once you get them home I find it’s very easy to use them all at once so I have to be as sparing as I can!

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If you’ve never tried Lush before then their bath products have the best scents, fizzes, and colours. When you try a new product you never really know what surprise you’re going to get when you put it in the bath, and that’s the exciting part!

If you’re looking for a gorgeous christmassy bath product then definitely check out “The Magic of Christmas” bubble bar. It smells of orange, cinnamon and basically christmas! It’s lovely and lasts for a good few baths so will go quite far in the run up to the 25th.


Who else is a Lush lover like me? Which are your favourite products for christmas, and what other brands of bath bombs do you use? I’ve got a part two coming to follow on from this post with bath bombs from another brand I’ve discovered so keep your eyes peeled for that! xx Sophie

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Magic Wand bubble bar (here), The Magic Of Christmas bubble bar (here), Peeping Santa bubble bar (here), Dashing Santa bath bomb (here), Lush Pud bath bomb (here), Snow Angel bath melt (here)

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