Novelty Winter Hat


I have a bit of thing about beanies when I see them. I don’t own a lot of them but whenever I see one, especially one with a massive pom pom on the top of it, I immediately want it. Alternatively, I’m loving these novelty christmas bobble hats and as you can see, I wasn’t afraid to spend £12.50 on one from M&S. I don’t know about you but usually I would be outraged at a hat for £12.50 and definitely wouldn’t buy myself one. Maybe that’s just me being tight! Anyway, I was in Marks and Spencers the other day with my mum, and we had to spend a certain amount of money on clothing/beauty/home to get a free christmas food gift, and being the uncontrollable shoppers that we are (or that I am) we decided to spend this unnecessary amount for the free chocolates and wine! That’s where the penguin knitted novelty hat comes into the story.

I thought this was a perfect novelty hat because it’s not restricted just to christmas, meaning I can wear this all through winter, from now until next year without looking like a crazy christmas lover. I also have to say that having worn this hat for a couple of weeks in a windy seaside town, it’s amazing and well worth is £12.50! The wool is super thick and chunky and it really does keep the wind out and stay on my head without blowing away too! They had different patterned/themed hats as well as this one so if you’re looking for a novelty hat then make sure you head over to M&S!

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Are you a lover of novelty/christmas things when it comes to clothing? xx Sophie

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M&S hat (similar christmas pudding hat here!), Primark parka, M&S jeans (similar here), Adidas trainers (here), Louche sweatshirt (here)

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