This Month In Pictures


Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset


I feel like we’ve had a good variety of posts here on the blog this month: outfit of the days, fashion hauls, and even a couple of product shows/reviews. I like doing these monthly summaries of content I’ve shared with you (and I should probably remember to do them more often!) because it reminds me of everything I’ve done / everywhere I’ve been and what kinds of things I’ve been into lately. I’ve been sent a few cool things this month too which I’m very lucky to have, and which you’ve probably seen plastered all over my instagram! Shout out to Everwrist for the watch, I love it!, Zoya for the nail polishes, and Online Avenue for the boots!

The first image I chose for this blog post is from my favourite shoot of the whole month. Which has been your favourite blog post during November? Let me know in the comments which kind of posts you like to see here so I can make more in December!  Also, don’t forget you can click the images to take you to each blog post if you want to see more. xx Sophie

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