These Boots Make Me Want To Wiggle My Feet!


Evening all! Sorry I haven’t been posting as regularly as I would have liked, I went on a little road trip over the weekend and didn’t get back until late on Saturday so Sunday was a bit of a recovery day! I did manage to get a quick photo shoot in while I was away though, which means I’ve got plenty to post about! I’ve got this week off work as well so there should be plenty of content coming your way, including blog posts and lotsa instagramming (here’s my feed if you’re not already following, or just search @notcentralfash!) I’m thinking of making a new playlist on Spotify this week as well because I’ve not made one since October, so I think it’s overdue. Let me know if there are any songs you think I should put in the line-up -I’m always looking for something different to listen to!

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Before I went off on my road trip, these gorgeous boots arrived in the post from Online Avenue -aren’t I lucky!? They’re so much nicer than I expected them to be, and look super expensive, but good news everyone, they’re definitely not going to break the bank, so treat yourself and shop them here! I think they’ll make a good casual autumn/winter boot, as well as double up for the party season with a cute playsuit. As you know me, I’m probably more likely to wear them casually with jeans and a knitted jumper, but I’ve got such bad feet that I can only wear heels for half a day before having to take them off! I soon switched into my trusty Superstars, but believe me, if my feet weren’t such an issue I’d definitely have been wearing these boots all day and probably wouldn’t have them off my feet at all this week! If you’re lucky and don’t have problems with your feet and high heels, then for me these are the perfect boots at the perfect price.

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I wish I could capture movement in my photographs as the fringe on these make me want to twirl about and wiggle my feet! Maybe I’ll have to make a lil’ youtube video just to feature these! Let me know what you think, would you like to see another lookbook or part 2 of my shoe collection? xx Sophie

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Primark cardi, New Look jumper (here), Warehouse jeans (thrifted, similar here), Boots c/o Online Avenue* (here, similar here)

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