My Go To Pieces For This Autumn


Throughout the autumn, my uniform has pretty much been a pair of skinnies and a long sleeve top. I bought three tops like this from Primark at the start of autumn, and they’ve been really good for layering and keeping me warm, while still looking chic. I’ve definitely been liking a more simple style in the clothes I pick, thinking that these are staples which will last me a long time and which I’m less likely to get bored of after a month or so. For someone who’s constantly finding new things to buy and wear, this is a good thing! I’ve also been loving my faux fur waistcoat from H&M kids. It’s the perfect second layer over these long sleeve tops and really makes it look like you’ve put more effort into an outfit than you actually have -which is always a bonus in my eyes! A pair of chunky boots is the next thing on my go-to list for autumn. I’ve got so many pairs of boots that I haven’t been sticking to just one, but you can’t go far wrong with any pair of boots really. These Caterpillars are great for stomping, and will be perfect for snowy winters (which I hope are still to come!)

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What have been your go-to pieces for this autumn? xx Sophie

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Primark top, Topshop jeans (here), H&M Kids waistcoat (here), Caterpillar boots (similar here), Henry Holland bag, necklace c/o Orelia* (here)

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