November Buys


It’s no secret that I’m addicted to shopping and cannot, repeat cannot, stop buying things. There are a few pieces I’ve bought this month already which I wanted to share with you close up. My favourite has got to be this faux-monster-fur bag (as you can probably tell from my instagram!) because it’s just so cool…and pink. It literally looks like I’m carrying round a little animal on my arm, but what’s not to love about that?


The loafers are a must for work, but they’d also be really nice with some ankle grazer jeans and a white shirt (I feel a photo shoot coming on!) I also need to do a shoot with this skirt I bought from the shop I work in. As soon as it stops raining I’ll definitely be out with my camera!


You saw me wearing this jumper in yesterday’s post and I can’t wait to wear it again with another outfit. It’s so cosy and warm, and I can’t get enough of the colour.


Does anyone else have a shopping addiction like me? Please say I’m not the only one! xx Sophie

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M&Co loafers & skirt (here and here), New Look bag & jumper (here and here)

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