Foggy November Days


We’re only a few days into November, but the weather has definitely changed, and foggy cold days are upon us which I think you can tell from these photos. I wish I could say it’s still warm enough for just a knitted jumper but I was honestly freezing while we shot these photos, and I haven’t been able to go out anywhere without my coat for the past couple of weeks. I know I’ll get bored of winter clothes and wearing coats all the time at some point this season, but at the moment I’m loving the November weather.

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My mum was actually going to buy this jumper, but I managed to steal it off her and convince her to buy a different one! This one just goes so perfectly with my new hat (yes, I finally bought myself another hat like I kept saying I would!)  so you can’t blame me really!

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Does the weather influence your style and the colours you wear? Let me know in the comments what you’re wearing at the moment!

xx Sophie

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H&M Premium hat (on sale here), New Look jumper (here), H&M jeans (here), Topshop boots (similar here), Orelia necklace (here)

10 thoughts on “Foggy November Days”

  1. Hey… yes the weather influence too much my mood and my style… at the moment I’m casual but I would like to be more casual with a swimsuit on a carribean beach… what do you think we could follow each others 😉 bye G.R.


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