September Jewellery Find

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I ran out and took the opportunity to shoot these photos in shorts while I had the chance a few days ago -who knows if that will be the last time I dig my shorts out of the wardrobe this year? Plus, they’re ripped and studded Wrangler denim so they were perfect for this look! (You can buy them here) Also, how beautiful is this Lands’ End shirt? I thrifted it and it looks as if it’s never been worn before. Definitely a classic piece to add to my wardrobe.I think the star of this outfit, though, is the jewellery I accessorised with. It’s nothing statement, but for someone who is generally lazy with jewellery -I wear the same boring, old earrings every day and don’t venture much further than my beloved watches- it’s definitely something to document!

When I do decide to put in a bit of effort to accessorise outfits I like fine, simple pieces- nothing too bold or statement. I find that subtle pieces are difficult to find though, unless you’re willing to pay. I first heard of Orelia because of Zoella’s vlogs a few months ago (has anyone else seen her “Brighton” necklace?) and thought they had just the kind of jewellery that would suit me. The pieces that I’m wearing today are small, dedicate, and gold- not only my favourite metal for jewellery, but also plated so there’s none of that annoying tarnishing going on! I’ve already been mix-and-matching the rings every day this week, as they’re a perfect size for me to wear to work as well as when I’m at home. Yay for Orelia!

Happy Monday! xx Sophie

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Lands’ End shirt (thrifted), Wrangler DIY shorts (here), Primark boots, Orelia rings & necklace (here, here, and here)*

5 thoughts on “September Jewellery Find”

  1. I love your outfit! What camera do you use for your pictures? I am looking at cameras and your pictures look really good quality x


      1. Thankyou! I’m not really sure because I don’t know very much about camera’s I’m just looking for a good quality one for filming and taking pictures, I will take a look at this one 🙂

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