Shades of Purple


I’m back with another outfit post and a new blog layout! Can you tell I’m loving shades of purple at the moment? I wanted a clean and fresh look for the background and finally found a blog theme which fit everything I wanted- more or less. If I was self-hosted, there’s a lot more I’d love to design, but for now we’ll stick to good old WordPress and the themes that come along with it. Oh how I’d love to be html and coding-savvy.

Despite the Autumn chill setting in, I’m on the hunt for crop tops this season. The desire for more of these little tops came with the arrival of my Topshop Joni jeans last week (my oh my, some of the best jeans I’ve ever purchased and well worth the money, though I did get 10% off thanks to my sister’s student discount!). I bought this purple beauty for £1 in a charity shop the other day when I had a spare minute before work. It’s only from Primark originally, but it looked in as-new condition and is a perfect colour for autumn. Now all I need is to find the right shade of berry lipstick to wear with it -recommendations welcome- and I’m all set for the season. I’ve got a Superdrug haul coming soon which features a few new lip products, but I’m still trying to find a good berry-purple lip product which isn’t too pink. Leave me a comment if you know where I can find one. My autumn wardrobe will be forever grateful.

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See you soon with another post, xx Sophie

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Primark crop top (thrifted), Missguided skirt (here), Adidas trainers (here), H&M coat (last winter’s collection. Similar here)

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