Music Update

— 4 September 2015 —

I was just updating my #NOWPLAYING widget with the latest music I’ve been listening to on repeat, and I thought I’d do a quick post to go into a bit more detail. I chose Ella Eyre’s new album, Feline, for the widget because I’ve been listening to that a lot in my car. I love Ella’s voice and the album is full of upbeat songs to sing along to. Other artists I’m enjoying at the same time are The Weekend (new album here), Troye Sivan (new EP here), dare I say Justin Bieber? (new single here), and Oh Wonder just released their debut album today (here). I can’t ever settle on one album or artist for very long so I tend to have several on rotation so I don’t get bored! Let me know if you’re listening to/loving any of these lately, or if there are any other new albums I should have a listen to. Happy Friday!

Sophie xx

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