I Heart Dungarees

— 25 August 2015 —


I had been waiting so long to find a pair of dungarees I could actually afford. Everywhere I looked they were £40+ and I felt reluctant to spend that. I finally found a pair on New Look’s website which were within budget, but they didn’t have any in-store for me to try on. I ended up splashing out a bit more than I had wanted to on a pair from Topshop, but they are exactly what I’ve been hunting for, and I know they’re the best quality and will last me forever. They make outfits so easy- the only thing I need to put with them is a top and I’m ready to go. They’re so easy to throw on when I get home from work and I’m actually really glad I went for a more expensive pair. I’ll call it an investment to make myself feel better. I can wear them no matter what season it is too- in this shoot I wore them with a sleeveless top on a warm day, but right now I’m wearing them with a fine knit jumper because summer seems to have disappeared and it’s raining.

In other news, how beautiful are my Adidas trainers? They have a slight platform for extra height and for an extra five pounds I personalised them with my initials on the back. I now it’s a bit of a novelty but I loved the idea and it’s still really subtle. I was impressed with how quickly they arrived too. They allowed an extra few days for delivery because of the customisation, but they arrived before I expected them to. Well done Adidas, you have a happy customer! Check the shoes out in my haul video here.

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I’m off now, but I’ll be on the #fblchat on twitter later for any UK bloggers out there!

Sophie xx

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Topshop dungarees (here), Glamorous (diy) top, Adidas personalised trainers (here), Michael Kors bracelet

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