
— 16 August 2015 —


I thought I would do a different type of blog post tonight instead of my usual fashion post. I was tagged for a couple of blog awards (Beautiful Blogger Award from Ettie and Sisterhood of the World Blog Award from Alis) recently and thought that I would combine a few questions from each of those tags to form something along the lines of a Q&A! Thanks for tagging me girls!

1. Do you have a favourite quote? If so, what is it?
Yes, the photograph above is my fave quote at the moment. You may have seen it on my instagram page!

2. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Blogging is my hobby and the one thing I can turn to when I’m at a loose end- there’s so much that goes into blogging that there’s always something for me to do. When I have something new to post about on my blog, it’s exciting too!

3. Who’s your fashion role model?
I don’t have one set fashion icon- style is always changing so the people who inspire me changes too. At the moment I’m into Gigi Hadid’s laid-back style. A lot of my fashion inspiration comes from other bloggers too- I’m currently following Sinead Crowe, and as always, Views Of Now.

4. What’s your favourite high street store?
I’ve always said H&M in answer to this question, but I’ve recently realised how beautiful and quality Topshop is. When I went into my local Topshop last week, there were so many quirky pieces that I’d love to get my hands on. They have everything that’s on-trend, but also incorporate alternative pieces which I haven’t seen anywhere else.

5. Denim or leather?
Although I love the edginess of leather I own a heck of a lot of denim, so denim.

6. If you could have any job what would it be?
My dream job would be to blog. I get a lot of happiness from my blog and if I could live off that I probably would.

7. What is your favourite colour?
In accessories I’m liking light pink shades, but this also changes depending on whether we’re talking clothes, shoes, or other objects!

8. Beach or countryside?
This is a tricky one. I’m lucky to live near both but I would have to say countryside. I’m not loving how sand gets stuck absolutely everywhere!

I’m now going to tag anyone who wants join in the Q&A to answer these questions and send me your links so I can read your blog posts too! Have fun!

Sophie xx

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