Utility Fashion

— 11 August 2015 —


I’ve had this shirt for a few years but I only fit into it properly now. I went through a stage of loving Jack Wills when I was about fourteen/fifteen, when I was too small to wear their clothing but bought things from there anyway. Even though I’ve steered away from that style now, this shirt has remained in my wardrobe because it’s a beautiful classic. It’s got no branding or crazy WILLS logos, and it’s made partly from silkmaking it one of the more expensive things I own. Plus, it fits into the “utility” trend which is on the scene at the moment, and which I’m loving. See my new Pinterest board for evidence. Speaking of which, I’m starting up my Pinterest for those of you who love that. I’ve had an account for a while but never properly pinned anything, but I was bored waiting to pick my car up from the garage yesterday so I thought why not? It’s actually quite fun and I suspect it will come in handy when I next get fashion block. If you’re interested then I’m basically creating boards of things I love at the moment- namely utility fashion and Gigi Hadid. 

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Have a good evening!

Sophie xx

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Jack Wills shirt, Topshop (thrifted) mom jeans (similar), Firetrap wedges, Olivia Burton watch, Jasper George sunglasses


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