July Hair & Beauty Favourites

— 27 July 2015 —


It’s coming towards the end of July already, so I thought I’d share with you a few of my hair and beauty favourites from this month. I love watching favourites videos on youtube, so I’m doing my own take on the tag right here on the blog.

 MAC Eyeliner in “Smoulder” + Barry M Black Liquid Liner
These two eyeliners go together in my favourites. The MAC liner is my go-to liner for (almost) everyday, but this month I’ve been using it together with Barry M’s liquid pen. Until recently, I have not been a fan of liquid eyeliner, purely because I have never been able to use it. It smudges everywhere, and I can’t get even cat eye flicks on both eyes. However, I’ve discovered that if I draw out the shape I want using the pencil first- which is easy to rub off or fix- I can then go over the top with the liquid eyeliner. My eyeliner flicks are now pretty even, and they stay on all day…as long as I don’t rub at my eyes by accident!

Zoella “Foam Sweet Foam” Shower Gel + “Soak Opera” Bath and Shower Cream
Zoe’s new Zoella Beauty range came out earlier this month, and I went out and purchased a couple of products.  I was in need of a new shower gel, so this came just at the right time. I love the packaging and it smells delicious too! While I was in Superdrug, I also bought the bath soak from Zoe’s first range. I hadn’t bought anything when the first range came out, but I really love the bath soak. I find that the scent is perfect for a hot, relaxing bath.

Maybelline Nail Polish in “Rose Poudre”, Barry M Nail Polish in “Pit Stop” + Barry M Gelly Nail Polish in “Olive”
You know I’m a great lover of nail polish and don’t often go out without it on, and this month, there have been three polishes I’ve been wearing non-stop. They are all quite subtle pastel shades, and these are just what I’ve been drawn to when I open up my nail polish drawer. I especially love the stone grey colour from Barry M’s Speedy range, which dry extra fast.

Hair Scrunchies
I’ve been going for hair up most days during July, especially when I’m working as I just want my hair out of my face. Hair scrunchies have made a come back recently too, and I’ve been accessorising my messy buns with the two pictured. The red floral one is super cute with a little bow, and I think I bought it from Sainsbury’s. It came in a pack of two with a matching blue one, but the red has been my favourite. The monochrome scrunchy was actually home made. When I cut the sleeves off this top to make it fit more comfortably, the extra material went into making a hair accessory for me!

Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion
This was the cleanser I used to use twice daily as part of my beauty regime, but I stopped using it a few months ago because it had become quite harsh on my skin. However, when I had a small break-out a couple of weeks ago, I pulled this cleanser out of my cupboard again, and it really seemed to do the trick.

Maybelline Baby Lips in “Hydrate”
Lip balm is something which I’ve always used, and will always use every day, and the Maybelline Baby Lips one does exactly what it says it will. My lips are really hydrated and moisturised when I’ve used this, and it comes with me from my dressing table to the bag I take to work.


What have been your favourite hair and beauty products throughout July? Let me know in the comments so I can try some of them out!

Sophie xx

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