NCF Vintage Customised Shorts

— 15 June 2015 —


I’ve been promising this diy project for a while now, and I finally got round to taking photos this afternoon. I always struggle to find the right pair of shorts that fit me properly for summer, and last year I made several of my own perfect-fitting pairs of shorts out of vintage jeans found in charity shops. This summer, my mission is to create these vintage mom jean shorts for you. I’m ripping, cutting, stitching, studding, and bleaching my way to the perfect vintage festival shorts, and I want you to come along with me.

Visit my eBay shop here to find out more, and don’t forget to spread the word to your vintage-summer-fashion-loving friends- I ship globally!

NCFcustomisedshorts NCFcustomisedshorts-2 NCFcustomisedshorts-3 NCFcustomisedshorts-4 NCFcustomisedshorts-5Have a style in mind that you really want? Let me know-, or leave a comment down below!

Sophie xx

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All pictured shorts (+ more!) available on ebay HERE


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