Who Made My Clothes?

— 24 April 2015 —

NCFfashrev15-2T Shirts & Sunglasses – Jasper George

It’s Fashion Revolution Day today, and I’m getting involved with raising awareness for the people who make the clothes you wear every day, to ensure that they are working in the safest conditions and being paid a fair wage.

One of the reasons I was excited to collaborate with Jasper George last week was because all of their clothing is certified FairWear, meaning that whoever made the things you buy was treated as fairly and equally as we would expect to be treated at work.

It might not be something you think about every morning as you get dressed, but today is the day to share a selfie of your outfit, and ask the brand #whomademyclothes on social media!

Visit fashionrevolution.org or jaspergeorge.co.uk to find out more.


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