Alchemy Oils | Grapefruit Hair Remedy








notcentralalchemyoils8Grapefruit Hair Remedy – Alchemy Oils *

I had to cut my hair at the beginning of the summer because of all the split ends, which my hair always seems to suffer from. This time, I’ve promised myself to really look after my hair as I grow it back again, and one of the best ways to do this seems to be to use a hair oil. Since argan oil is often quite expensive, I wanted to find an alternative; something on the cheaper side of argan oil, but which would still work wonders on damaged hair. I was lucky enough to be sent this grapefruit hair oil from Alchemy Oils (RRP £17.99) which is a blend of 5 different oils to condition and strengthen my hair as it grows…and it looks great on my shelf!


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*This is a sponsored post through The Blogger Network

2 thoughts on “Alchemy Oils | Grapefruit Hair Remedy”

  1. Hi 🙂 I’ve got a bottle, too and used the remedy yesterday for the first time. I first didn’t like the greasiness (it’s oil after all) and was worried it might not wash out properly. It did and my hair is so soft now. I also like the refreshing smell.

    Thank you so much for your review and I love your pictures. The bottle fits perfectly with your flowers and bathroom xxx

    Caz | Lunch Break Adventures


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