

notcentralholt&binham6notcentralholt&binham5 notcentralholt&binham notcentralholt&binham4 notcentralholt&binham8 notcentralholt&binham7 notcentralholt&binham9 notcentralholt&binham3 notcentralholt&binham2 notcentralholt&binham10 notcentralholt&binham12Crop Top – Hearts & Bows, Shorts – M&S (thrifted & diy), Shoes – Converse, Watch – Marc Jacobs, Hat – Select

This amazing architecture was unexpectedly just around the corner from where I live, and as we drove past after a late breakfast out the other day, we had to stop for a shoot. It’s the perfect location; it has pillars to lean on and walls to sit on, and creates some beautiful textures in the photographs. I couldn’t style my outfit to go with the location because I didn’t know we’d end up there, but I think my knitted crop top worked out perfectly – its mottled grey colour seemed to match with the stone work on the ruins, and I almost feel slightly camouflaged in the finished photographs!


Photos by Ali


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