

notcentralnewshoes2 notcentralnewshoes3 notcentralnewshoes4 notcentralnewshoes5 notcentralnewshoes6Shirt – Select, Heels – M&S (thrifted), Headphones – Sony ZX310, iPhone Case – Marc Jacobs

It’s quite appropriate that I did my work experience at a charity shop this week, because a lot of my blog posts are centred around thrift shopping and all of the different and amazing bargains you can pick up. I feel like I’m a bit more qualified to write all about thrifted clothing now that I’ve actually had the experience in where it all comes from, how it’s processed, and where the charity money goes in the end. Of course, I took advantage of the staff discount at the end of the week and picked up these gorgeous brand new shoes for £4.50!


Photos by Jo

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