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T Shirt ~ Republic | Jeans ~ Levis | Boots ~ Select | Glasses ~ Born Pretty | Belt ~ Killah

Posting late today because we’ve been out on a special shoot tonight at the beach. I won’t tell you what it was, except for the fact that it was so cold. It’s a good one though!

I’ve also been excited to show you this post on the blog, with these white Levi’s mom jeans and an old Killah belt. Never mind all black everything, how about all white everything for a change? It’s a good change and makes it feel a bit more like spring when you wear brighter colours. If you haven’t already updated your wardrobe, I recommend that you start now.

If you wanna take a gander at these Levi’s jeans close up, my mum’s selling them on eBay right here – enjoy!


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