Vintage Deli

Since moving to Norfolk last year, I discovered the shop Vintage Deli, which sells anything vintage you could imagine..and then some more. Vintage Deli is run by Katy Coe, business owner and stylist for many a magazine, and today, I had the opportunity to meet her, view her clothing, and share it with you, at Hector’s Barn.


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Katy & I


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Looking at Katy’s instagram, I found out that a local shop, Hector’s Barn, was holding a Vintage Open House today, so I dragged my sister along to go and view the vintage clothes, furniture and trinkets, so that I could create a post featuring Vintage Deli. Vintage Deli isn’t just your typical thrifty-vintage shop; they stock a wide range of different styles and eras, so no matter what kind of vintage craving you’re having, Vintage Deli is sure to have what you need. Having bought from there before, I knew the clothing was beautiful – one of those places where it’s possible to find a hidden gem – so this was a great opportunity. We spent the morning there, looking round Hector’s Barn and photographing the clothing and the whole event. It wasn’t just about the clothing, though, as they were doing vintage makeovers and serving tea and cake as well. There was a lovely atmosphere inside, and it was a great chance to have a taste of what else Vintage Deli has to offer. I know I’ll definitely be going back for more.

Don’t worry if you don’t live nearby; Katy has set up a great website here if you are on the hunt for that perfect piece and want to shop online…or if you just want to find out more, you should probably head over there as well.


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