Spring Wishlist

Spring Wishlist
The first time I saw a scuba skirt was on blogger Andy Torres of Stylescrapbook.com, and I thought the material looked really cool. I’m fed up of skirts which feel limp and have no real shape to them, but this thicker scuba material would solve the problem. You can find the one Andy wore at & Other Stories.
& Other Stories is such an interesting clothing and accessories website, and since I didn’t want to spend so much on a scuba skirt from them, I looked at what else they had to offer. This leather shoulder bag caught my eye – perfect pale colours for Spring, and interesting detail of the reptile pattern down the middle of the bag. Looks like great quality too.
No matter what the occasion, I know that I’d always be able to find something to wear from Topshop, so naturally, this was one of the places I went to browse. I think bold prints are great for warmer weather, and the colours and shapes of this tee stood out to me. This is actually part of a matchy-matchy set with shorts, but I think I’d rather pair this with some ripped denim.
I saw these heels on blogger, Noor from queenofjetlags.com, and I thought they were amazing. She wears hers in white, but I’ve been after some plain black strappy heels for a while. I thought they looked really expensive on Noor, and was surprised when I found they were actually from Boohoo.com for just £30.
H&M Denim Dress

H&M Denim Dress 

When the H&M catalogue comes in the post, I know that I’ll be craving a shopping spree as soon as I turn the first page. I saw their denim dress a while ago, and I think this would be perfect for spring/summer with a pair of white or leopard print converse and some raybans. Simple.

Finally, these. I’ve had my ghds for ages now, and they were actually hand-me-downs from my mum. They still work fine but after seeing these, I suddenly think it’s time for an update. These ones are from Hairtrade for a great price.

Now that it’s officially spring, I can officially go online shopping for new clothes. Or, at least I can browse. I’ve never done a wishlist blog post before, but I thought I’d give it a go, to show you some of things I found which I think will be good for spring/summer.

How cool are those metallicy-purple ghds?!

I created this post using Polyvore, so if you want to find out the prices etc. the links are all there to my Polyvore page, where you can find the items I’ve picked out today.

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