Hey Now

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Jumper ~ Papaya

I’m currently making my way through stacks of work as I head towards exam time, again.  I don’t always have time to do full outfit shoots, so these kind of blog posts are ideal – they don’t take long to shoot and don’t require much effort to go out and find a location. Maybe it’s lazy, but I like to save photo shoots for my half-days in College or weekends, meaning these types of posts are necessary through the week. To keep me going through the work I’ve been listening to London Grammar on repeat, especially Hey Now. (I realise that my song of the week is a Frank Turner tune, but I’m never just listening to one artist at a time, so it’s OK.) It takes a lot of work to maintain a fashion blog, especially one which posts daily, but I’m determined to keep it up. For now, though, it’s back to the dreaded revision…


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