I Promise

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Jumper ~ Divided @ H&M | Jeans ~ Bershka | Boots ~ Deena & Ozzy | Denim Jacket ~ Vintage Miss Sixty

Sorry that I didn’t post yesterday. I kinda broke my spell of posting daily, which disappointed me, but I was having trouble with accessing my editor. I missed blogging yesterday, but thankfully I managed to log back on today to see that I’ve almost reached 300 followers on Bloglovin’! It means a lot that I can see my readers steadily increasing, as I haven’t even been blogging for a full year yet. I don’t want to sound awful and cringey, but I am truly thankful for everything that has happened so far. I promise not to let technical problems keep me from posting in future.

For these pictures, we were trying to capture the birds in the background as they were fluttering about. Typically, they stopped as we went out to take the pictures, but I did discover this gnarly tree instead which makes for an interesting backdrop.


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