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Since starting at my new College, I have discovered a shop which can quench my fashion thirst on a weekly basis, without breaking the bank. In fact, it’s a charity shop but it’s huge, and I’ve already found some really great bargains there. Last week, I paid £19 for five items of high-street bought clothing – and two of these were brand new! They seem to be constantly bringing new items into the shop too, so it’s likely that I’ll be able to find something different every time I go.

The great thing about buying clothing cheap like this, is that you can pick up things that you wouldn’t normally necessarily spend your money on, and adapt them to how you want them to look. For example, I had wanted a sleeveless check shirt over the summer, so I bought this blue shirt and simply took the sleeves off to get the item I could have spent £20+ on.

{Red Shirt ~ Springfield
Lace Top ~ Primark
Denim Shirt ~ Jane Norman
Jeans ~ H&M
Blue Check Shirt ~ New Look}

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