

I’ve seen many pictures of hair like this floating around on Instagram and it always looks so lovely, that I decided I wanted to try it on my own hair. Because I found it difficult to do a french plait on my head upside down, I got my sister to do it for me, and then she pulled it all up into a bun.

It’s actually quite a simple hairstyle, as long as you know how to french plait and you can do it upside down on your own hair, or you’ve got someone who can do it for you. I’ve seen many variations of this hairstyle, for example, a french plait that goes up into a bun in the shape of a bow.

If you check out my Instagram page @not_central, you’ll find a couple of images on there which I have re-posted, of hairstyles which inspired me to do mine.

2 thoughts on “Image:FrenchPlaitBun”

  1. It looks beautiful! I have never actually done it before because I just get scared of things that look proffessional because it looks like too much hard work but I am definately going to try it out ASAP after seeing how amazing yours looks:)
    Follow me on GFC and Bloglovin’ and I’ll follow back! Let me know when you’re done over on my blog:)x
    Teeniolect on Bloglovin’


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